Oct 14, 2013

Christmas Shopping 2013 Sydney

Fresh crusty breads, gourmet cheese and fruit for a fruit basket
Sending a Gift Hamper at Christmas 2013 is a simple
and effortless way to keep in touch and show you care

Checklist for Just Before Christmas

Now you should be thinking of your last minute fresh produce, seafood and flowers. 

Be careful as prices might fluctuate wildly between those sellers panicked that they may be overstocked and those who are selling out and wanting premium prices

With clean hands make your stuffing and cover and refrigerate in bowls. 

Likewise, Christmas sauces and desserts are best finalized now, if you have the luxury of a second fridge, it should now be filling up with items. 

Be careful to place the items into the fridge in the order you will be removing them- ie last in first out.  This makes provision for less spills and minimizes the chances of dropping or ruining a completed dish with contamination from another dish. 

Above all, have fun and remember the most meaningful and enjoyable Christmas in 2013 will be shared in a completely stress free environment in Sydney.  You deserve it.


  1. We love sharing Christmas fruit with our friends - its fresh and oh so naturally lovely - not like a salty packet of crisps - hell no!

  2. Keeping the Christmas Shopping list handy means you get more opportunity to spend time with your family and friends which is what it is all about after all - isn't it?
